Sales Organization Research
Steve is noted sales effectiveness researcher who has conducted studies on sales organization best practices, key sales leadership attributes, and top salesperson performance. The sales management workshop is a custom training session that incorporates the latest sales research:
- 1.The Key Attributes and Metrics that Separate High-Performing Sales Organizations from Average and Underperforming Sales Organizations.
- 2. The Key Attributes and Metrics that Separate High-Performing and Underperforming Sales Managers
- 3. Key Success Factors and Differences Between Great and Average Sales Organizations.
- 4. How Compensation Impacts Organizational Performance.
- 5. A Comparison of High-Performing and Underperforming Salespeople.
- 6. A Comparison of High-Performing and Underperforming Inside Salespeople.
- 7. The Persona (attributes, attitudes, and actions) of Top Salespeople.
- 8. How companies effectively utilize sales forecasting information to increase overall organizational performance.
Workshop Topics
Sales Organization Strategy and Structure
Sales Organization Stages
Sales Organization Challenges
Product Sales Complexity Impacts Organizational Structure
Attributes of Great Sales Organizations
Key Sales Organization Metrics
Effective Sales Management Styles at Each Organizational Stage
Sales Management Skills
The Life of a Sales Manager: Managing Up, Down, and Out
Understanding Your Personality
Understanding Your Sales Management Style
Understanding Your Communication Style
Working with the Selling Styles of your Team
Hiring the "Right" Salespeople
Mentoring Your Team
Sales Strategies to Defeat Arch-Rivals
Creating Sales Strategy
Coaching Reps on Sales Tactics
The Manager’s Role in the C-Level Sales Cycle
Structuring Customer Meetings
Negotiation Strategy
Sales Leader Best Practices
Salesperson Personnel Skills Evaluation
Personnel Development Strategy
Motivational Tips and Techniques
Risk Pool and Quota Attainment
Conducting Effective Sales Meetings
Deal inspection and vetting forecasts

Workshop Price and Terms
Steve Martin's sales management workshops are completely customized to your unique sales situation and address your critical sales challenges. Extensive pre-session interviews and background research is conducted to understand your market, competitive position, products, and salespeople. Workshops are customized to and use the terms and nomenclature of your products, company, and industry.
The price of the half-day sales management workshop is $5,000 plus $45 per attendee which includes a copy of Heavy Hitter Sales Linguistics:101 Advanced Sales Call Strategies for Senior Salespeople or Heavy Hitter I.T. Sales Strategy for each student. The price of a full day workshop is $10,000 per day plus $45 per attendee and includes a book for each attendee. All research and preparation time is included in the fees.
Please note that additional fees may apply depending upon travel requirements and all travel expenses (Steve is based in California) are prepaid in advance. 50% of fees must be paid in advance to lock in your training date and the remaining balance is due following the session. All fees are non-refundable should your event date cancel. All workshops are taught personally by Steve Martin. Sessions may be rescheduled without penalty depending on Steve’s availability.

The Ultimate Sales Reference Guide
Sales Strategy Playbook is a based on first-of-a-kind sales cycle research and win-loss analysis with thousands of top salespeople, vice presidents of sales, and B2B buyers who ultimately decide which salesperson will win the deal.